IAF Events

Upcoming Events

Workshops and IAF Hosted Events

May 30, Legitimate Interests for an AI World - Business Workshop - Dublin

June 3, Legitimate Interests for an AI World - Business Workshop - London

July 10, Multistakeholder Session - Demonstrable Accountability hosted @ Workday

September (late month), Multistakeholder Session – Legitimate Interest for an AI World

October 30, IAF Side Event at Global Privacy Assembly in Jersey – Legitimate Interests for an AI World Report

November 20, IAF hosted Panel at IAPP Brussels – Legitimate Interests for an AI World

IAF Thursday Chat

The Thursday Chat is an informal, bi-weekly, video call open to the entire IAF community to discuss the latest data protection and governance developments. The calls begin with an initial topic and flow where participants take the discussion. The calls are 45 minutes long. Please contact spate@informationaccountability.org to obtain meeting details. 

2024 Dates

June 13

July 25

Sept 5

October 3

November 7

December 19

IAF Policy Calls

The IAF holds monthly policy calls to discuss current topics the IAF team is actively exploring as part of our research and education mission. The calls include a blend of outside experts and the IAF strategy team. The discussions impact the IAF’s reports and recommendations to policymakers and regulators. The calls are held under Chatham House Rules and are open to the entire IAF community. Please contact spate@informationaccountability.org to obtain meeting details. 

2024 Dates

June 20, - Rearchitecting for AI

July 18, U.S. States expect Demonstrable Accountability with Evidence. 

August, IAF summer hiatus

Sept 19, Cyber Collision or Children and Youth Privacy & Safety (TBA)

October 17, Legitimate Interest for an AI World

December 5, A View to 2025 

IAF team hosts and participates in international events

IAF Summit/ Retreat June 2018

IAF Summit/ Retreat June 2018

ICDPPC,  Brussels Side Event, October 23, 2018- Lynn Goldstein, Senior Foundation Strategist, The Information Accountability Foundation, Gracie Ng, Associate Director, ICT Cluster and Smart City Platform, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

ICDPPC, Brussels Side Event, October 23, 2018- Marty Abrams, Executive Director,  The Information Accountability Foundation

Martin Abrams, Executive Director, The Information Accountability Foundation, offers remarks during POLITICO’s AI Summit: Innovation & Governance at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, DC, Thursday, September 27, 2018. (Photo by Rod Lamkey Jr.)

IAF's Martin Abrams, Executive Director  and Barb Lawler, Chief Operating Officer, with keynote, FTC Commissioner Christine Wilson, at the IAF's West Coast Summit in 2019.