IAF Policy Call-The Boundaries For Privacy Legislation 2021

The IAF team is committed to legislation mandating accountability based requirements to achieve fair information processing and outcomes. Part of that mission is understanding other legislative inputs that are seen as substantive in the political environment  of 2021 - 2022. The IAF believes that the guideposts for legislation put forward by FTC Commissioner Wilson will be very much part of those…

IAF Friday Chat

Unlike major league baseball, the IAF team has sheltered in place.  Like the NBA and WNBA we will be ready to play at the Friday Chat.  Please join us for the latest chatter on all topics data protection related or not.   Please join the call on Friday, August 7 at the time specific to…

IAF Friday Chat

We have moved beyond the lazy, hazy days of Summer to kids returning to school in 90 degree weather. It seems that college kids are part of a massive science experiment proving that big parties are as good a super spreader event as bars. I have listened to the Democratic convention speeches, and so far…

IAF Friday Chat

The Summer is over, and there is so much to think about at the IAF.  Since our last chat, Ontario has said it will join Quebec and the Federal Government in considering privacy legislation.  British Columbia  may soon join them.  What does this means beyond Canada. The European Data Protection Board and the Council of Europe are creating Schrems…

IAF Policy Call on GDPR Collective Action by NGOs

IAF Policy Call on GDPR Collective Action by NGOs   Global data flows have always been a key issue for the IAF, and Schrems II has been a cause for additional reflection. Schrems II also raises consideration of what risk analysis should mean. First, is the risk to fundamental rights and freedoms that a European…

IAF Thursday Chat

IAF Friday Chat Moves to Thursdays   The IAF Friday chat has been very popular and we want to keep it that way.  A number of you have requested we move it to Thursday.  The case was requested particularly by European attendees.  Our next Thursday Chat is September 24 at the times listed below.   Please join the…

IAF Thursday Chat

It is time for another unscripted IAF Thursday Chat.  It is time for your colleagues to hear what is on your mind.  Is it the Brazilian litigation?  Is it the Quebec legislation?  Is it the new transparency reports in response to Schrems II?  Is it what the pandemic recession will do to your budget?  For me, I want to…