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There are Many Reasons to Worry About Data Transfers, but the Austrian DPA Second Google Analytics Decision Should not be one of Them

By Lynn Goldstein | May 4, 2022 | Comments Off on There are Many Reasons to Worry About Data Transfers, but the Austrian DPA Second Google Analytics Decision Should not be one of Them

noyb’s posting that the “risk-based approach” to data transfers has…

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50 Year Heritage of the FAIR and OPEN USE ACT

By Martin Abrams | June 24, 2021 | Comments Off on 50 Year Heritage of the FAIR and OPEN USE ACT

Permissible uses for personal data, a key component of the…

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IAF Releases Model Legislation Summary

By The IAF Team | January 15, 2020 | Comments Off on IAF Releases Model Legislation Summary

The California Consumer Privacy Protection Act went into effect on…

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Digital Activities go Beyond Privacy and Data Protection

By The IAF Team | November 13, 2019 | Comments Off on Digital Activities go Beyond Privacy and Data Protection

Sunday, November 10, the New York Times ran a story…

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The Fair Information Policy Development Vacuum

By The IAF Team | October 10, 2019 | Comments Off on The Fair Information Policy Development Vacuum

Over the past decade, policy development in the data protection…

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