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Join the IAF

The Information Accountability Foundation is the preeminent global information policy think tank, and a nonprofit organization with a research mission to frame and advance accountability-based information policy and data stewardship, so data-driven innovation serves people.

The IAF is primarily funded by corporate contributions by companies that fully believe that data should only be processed by organizations that act in a responsible and answerable manner. Companies interested in supporting or participating please contact us using the form below.

The IAF is also funded by data protection agencies and government agencies that join us in exploring a particular research topic - leading to modernized information policy approaches. If you represent a government agency and are interested in discussing a project, please reach out using the form below.

All of our projects include multi-stakeholder input, so please join our community. If your organization, including academic or advocacy organizations, have an interest in our projects or learning more, the best way to know us is to be notified when we publish a blog or project report. 

If your company is interested in becoming a member of the IAF, please fill out the form below:

Inquire about joining the IAF

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